Thursday, March 29, 2018

Here Are The Uses Of Marine Pile Drivers

By Kenneth Reynolds

Piles are basically load bearing building elements that are used to primarily transmit structural loads through the soil. Piles are majorly used to provide support to buildings located in areas that have poor soils. It basically consists of piles which can be made of timber, steel or concrete. The piles are then driven deep in to the ground till they reach the bedrock. This is worth knowing about marine pile drivers.

A bedrock is a hard surface located deep in the ground. At this level the piles cannot go any further hence providing stability to elements above. They exist in two major types which are the end bearing piles and friction piles. Friction piles are used when the load transmitted to the soil through skin friction between the surface of the pile and the soil.

End-bearing piles are important when the load gets transmitted into the soil via the lower tip. Most piles rely on both friction and end bearing combined for their supporting power or capability. They can be categorized depending on their function of based on the materials they are designed from. It is necessary to choose suitable piles for use and the selection needs to be keenly done.

Therefore, it is the duty of the contracted engineer to pick the type of piles to use. They should choose the piles that best suit a given job and also at the same time taking in to account all the factors that affect both installation and performance. There are several factors that influence the selection of piles. This include the size and weight of the structure to be supported.

They are applied on residential, commercial or any structure like water tanks. The general properties of the soil on which the structure is built also matter a lot. Other factors also include number of pile needed to support the structure and the availability of the materials that go in building piles. The engineer must also determine the depth to which they should be driven so that they are stable enough to carry the weight load.

Knowing the kind of pile drivers that need to be used is very helpful. Load drivers are generally machines whose function is to drive piles underneath the ground. Several researches need to be studied in order to know the kind of load driver needed. Site studies, basic penetration test, and geotechnical study are kinds of studies that are needed to be taken. The load test is another necessary test that is carried out to enable the establishment of the total quantity of load piles need to carry.

When piles are driven underground the force that is used to support then is the same force that causes resistance to piles as they are being driven underground. In order to deal with this this is where the drivers come in. They help furnish the energy required to drive the piles underground.

These include pile hammers which are the most commonly used to drive piles underground. The hammers include the diesel hammers, which impart compression and explosion energy to the pile. Another type includes the vibratory hammers which utilize exciting shafts rotating in opposite direction to drive piles underground.

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